Dircenna jemima et al
depending on the webpage or the book you're looking at, the classification of the jemima group of Dircennas is different;
it goes from:
- one species, jemima, with five subspecies: jemima, chiriquensis, klugii, varina and visina,
- to five species, with the same names,
- and often, and particularly on butterfliesofamerica, you find jemima with only four ssp, klugii being considered as a species in its own right.
(there is also reynoldsi Neild 2008, but we never collected a specimen)
and things shouldn't get any better as five to ten new ssp would be in preparation?
we do not discuss these arrangements, we only present, in the section below, specimens we collected at various locations; and then we raise a question regarding the southernmost populations.
San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Vera Cruz/Oaxaca limit, Mexico
Palenque, Mexico
San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico
Lanquìn, Guatemala
Alta Vera Paz/Baja Vera Paz limit, Guatemala
Copàn, Honduras
Costa Rica/Panamà limit, Pacific side
Cotacachi West, Ecuador - 100 m
Sangay East, Ecuador - 1300 m
in Panama, and in Ecuador East and West of the Andes, we have three completely different looking phenotypes;
how do we go from one of these three phenotypes to the other? we'd love to know what's happening in Colombia?